Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Musings of An Oriental Man

Greetings all! This is Abe blogging. I figured that I would blog tonight since it's been awhile since I've blogged. I'm also nursing a cough right now, so it's easier for me to write out my thoughts as opposed to talking right now (my vocal chords and throat will thank me too).

Well, as I was thinking about all the things that have been happening over the past month or so, I was reminded today that God has been playing a huge role in all of it (duh). I think that living in Chicago makes it very easy and normal for people to run at a fast and frenetic pace--the problem is, when you get to where you want to be, you're so burned out that you can't really enjoy it. I see this attitude in the workplace all the time. I hear of people saying that it was worth it to work those long hours because they are more successful in their careers. When I hear this, I usually think to myself, "that's great--but at what cost?" I don't want to sound preachy, but my priorities will ALWAYS be as follows (in this order): (1) My relationship with God, (2) My wife Allison, (3) My family and friends, (4)my career. This is very key because it's very easy to make one of these priorities an idol. For example, it's a very good idea to place Allison as a very high priority in my life, but it's not good if I place her above God--she essentially becomes an idol. We all have them, from money, to work, to material things. Don't get me wrong--none of these things are bad in itself, but taken to excess they are.

I think that people just want to move through life way too fast sometimes. For most of us it's graduate from college, get married, buy a house, have kids, do well in our careers, etc.--we are never quite satisfied. But God is calling us to trust Him and Him only—He will fulfill all of our needs.

Being sick has been a very humbling experience for me. I have had to consciously slow down the pace of life and have not been able to sit close to Allison. It has forced me to take better care of myself both physically and spiritually. It has forced me to stop running so fast. Between work, school, and a newlywed, well, I have a lot on my plate.

In any case, I thought that I'd share with everyone some of my thoughts right now--I don't expect everyone to agree with everything I say, but I hope that this blog post makes you think.

I'm going to sign off now because I think that I'm ready to hack up a furball (*cough*) (*cough*)

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