Friday, October 19, 2007

Adventures in Stereotypes

The following scene just happened to me (Allison) this afternoon as I was picking up our dry cleaning.

STORE OWNER: (Looks at my last name on the cleaning ticket.) So, do you have any family here? (said with a suspecting look in his eye)

ME: Yes. My husband. Abraham. He told me to come here.

STORE OWNER: (With a doubtful look as though he thinks we are talking about different people.) He is....

ME: Chinese

STORE OWNER: (Doesn't comprehend that word.) Oriental.

ME: Yes.

STORE OWNER: (He still doesn't think we're talking about the same guy.) Like...(uses his hand to gesture Abe's approximate height.)

ME: Yes. That's him.


It's funny the types of stereotypes we run into now that we're married. People will say an asian joke not even aware that my husband is asian. People will ask about my last name, curious to know the nationality of my husband. Or people won't recognize we're together when we're in line at a restaurant.

The store owner in this case was actually Korean. I've learned stereotypes exist no matter the culture. I hope our (Lord willing) future kids will be an example of God's love for all people and that they would be welcome in this world no matter their ancestries. I hope they embrace their backgrounds and love their features that make them look more like mom or more like dad.

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