Tuesday, February 5, 2008

If I see another tortilla...

Allison here...I got back from a long business trip to Texas last night. While I do enjoy Tex-Mex and Mexican food, I definitely hit my full during this trip. My co-workers and I weren't sure if we were going to make it home due to bad fog in Chicago, but we finally made it in. Thank God! I missed my husband so much!

I didn't really get to do any sightseeing, since it was all business. I know Abe and my family were all so jealous since I was in a much warmer place, but I was stuck inside most of the day anyway. But I did enjoy the moments I got to spend outside.

One of my favorite activities to do when bored on an airplane is to read the sky mall catalogue. For those of you not familiar with this, it features the most quirky and totally unnecessary products created for all mankind. Who buys this kind of stuff? I, of course, had to look for my favorite sky mall product of all time, most recently featured in the mid-90s: a dummy you can put in your car (or home window) so people think you're not alone and they don't rob or carjack you. The dummy looks totally ridiculous!

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