Sunday, December 30, 2007

What a Year

We were just reflecting on the awesomeness of 2007. Since we got engaged 30 minutes into 2007, we knew it would be a crazy year. It's been more fun than we could have imagined. So, we thought we'd share some of our most memorable quotes of 2007:

"Wow, someone my size!"
--Abe's dad while hugging Allison's grandmother at our wedding rehearsal.

"Sit down. Sit down."
--Our mechanic when we came to pay for repairs.

"How is Mr. Abe Lincoln?"
--Our Russian mechanic to Allison in reference to Abe.

"We have an appointment to go sumo wrestling, so I'll call you tomorrow."
--Abe to Allie on the night before the wedding reheasal. Sumo wrestling (in the big puffy suits) was a part of his bachelor party.

"I am not lucky. I am a winner."
--Abe's mom while playing Uno at Christmas.

"Miami bags never make it."
--An airline employee when we filed our claim for lost baggage when returning from our honeymoon. The bags showed up a day later.

"After you've had 9 kids..."
--Rev. Rich Case in our wedding sermon. Allison's knees buckled when she heard this. It's noticable on our wedding video.

And finally...
"We now pronounce you man and wife"
--Rev. Rich Case at our wedding

We've loved having you a part of our lives in 2007. May God bless this new year.

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