Greetings all! This is Abe blogging. I must admit, life has gotten pretty busy for Allison and I, so our apologies for not blogging more frequently! In any case, let's see....what have we done so far since Memorial Day:
(1) Been to Madison, Wisconsin to Bratfest--contributed to the world's record for most brats eaten one festival.
(2) Been to NYC, saw a game at Yankees Stadium in its' final year.
(3) For me, getting used to my new position that has more responsibility at work.
(4) Saw two awesome movies already (which I HIGHLY recommend): "Get Smart" and "Wall-E."
(5) Watched the Hot Dog Eating contest yesterday on ESPN. Saw an eat-off because there was a tie (grossest "sporting event" I have ever witnessed in my entire life).
(6) Played "Rock Band" on the X-Box for the first time last night (still have the Weezer song "Say It Ain't So" stuck in my head).
(7) Witnessed about 50 different fireworks displays going on all at once last night from our friends' Paul and Kristen's 26th floor pad!
(8) Moved into a new church building--Yes, at long last we are at are new church building! For those of you who don't know, we attend Park Community Church in Chicago. The church was started in 1987 by some folks from Moody and has been a traveling church for the past 21 years or so. Well, we found a good location to build about 2 years ago or so, but due to construction delays, increased costs in building, etc., we moved into our new building about a year late--still, it's a testament to God that we have new building. It will be a huge adjustment for everyone as the area that the church is in is a gentrified neighborhood--a lot of people are not used to this. We have half million dollar condos next to the church and housing projects less than a mile down. Still, this will give us great ministry opps once we get used to it. Check out the new building at
Today, we are going to eat at the Signature Room on the 95th floor of the John Hancock building! Our parents called yesterday and decided that they wanted to take us to brunch there today. It's a perfect day for it due to the gorgeous, sunny weather that we are having.
Well, have a good one y'all!